Our community by the numbers

Having a good grasp of the numbers, and statistics, of our community, helps to better understand the community and its needs.Here are some of the key metrics for this area. These numbers are taken from a combination of Statistics South Africa and the City of Cape Town and Wazimap using community and national statistics from 2016.

Below you will find custom Upside maps that reflect some of our key metrics and locations.

This map shows our area of activity and covers 219 square kilometres and as of 2016 supports approximately 80 000 people of which approximately 20 000 are children and approximately 17 000 people earn less the R20 000 per year, that is R1 666 per month.

This map geolocates the 11 public and private healthcare facilities in our community.

The public facilities consist of 1 Provincial Hospital (False Bay Hospital) and 7 clinics of community health care centres.

This equates to 1 public health facility for every 10 000 people. Or 1 public health facility for every 4 600 unemployed persons!

The final map shows the location of the 27 known Pre-schools in the area. Pre-schools here include creches and ECDs as well.

Below is a tabular summary of our community in numbers.