Emotional Health Counselling – ALONGside Programme

UPside offers free counselling services to the community. We provide an integrated, safe, non-judgemental and client-centred approach to coming alongside people to hear their stories and help change the narrative of their lives. Moving people from brokenness to wholeness.

UPside has trained nine lay counsellors through the Phillipi Trust and functions under the supervision of our Programme Manager and external supervisors according to a strict Code of Ethics aligned with the South African Council for Pastoral and Spiritual Counsellors or CPSC.

Our counsellors are volunteers that give their time freely to come alongside people and assist them in their journey through life to provide initial counselling services for adults, teenagers, couples and families. UPside is building a network of related professional referral services to ensure that clients receive the best counselling services for their unique needs should the situation warrant it.

Click here to complete the online counselling request form or contact us via WhatsApp or email.


Active since 2022


The public can enquire or book a counselling session by either:

WhatsApp (Preferred): 068 7 49 59 39

Email: [email protected]


You can get involved today by doing any or all of the following:

  1. Click on our Volunteer Page (or here) to see what volunteer opportunities there are.
  2. Signup for our quarterly newsletter to receive latest developments and opportunities.
  3. Engage and promote us on social media.
  4. Create a Backabuddy Campaign to use your latest daring escapade to raise funds for ALONGside.
  5. Click on our Donations Page (or here) to see how you can support us financially.