
We do not function alone in making a difference in our community. To this end, we have several strategic partners that assist us.


Upside does not discriminate against anyone.

We believe that we are all made in the image of God, and THAT alone is enough to garner respect and support for all humanity and all the rest of God’s creation. Added to that, we believe that it is by our actions, not only our good intentions or persuasive words, that we can others can experience God’s love for his world. However, God remains central to our belief system, and we honour God here first as our most important partner.

The People of the Deep South

Without the support and cooperation of the people in the community, we will never be successful. So we honour and thank all the regular folk who encourage, support, and speak well about us. Then we would thank the people who trust us to use our programmes and share the stories of their lives with us. This is an honour and a blessing for us.

Southside Church

All organisations have a backstory or a genesis. Ours lies in the hearts, minds and hands of a few people at Southside Church who wanted to impact the community in which they function. Without their passion and support, we would not be here today. Visit them at Southside Church.

Non-Profit Organisations

We join hands with other NPOs in the Deep South to multiply our impact for change. These NPOs include:

Living Hope has a longstanding and proven track record of helping the communities of the Cape Peninsula. Be sure to visit their website for more details: Living Hope | Bringing Hope, Breaking Despair

The Rainbow ECD Pre-School is committed to providing an effective Early Childhood Development facility in Masiphumelele. This facility will support children from birth to 6 years where they will be immersed in an environment dedicated to developing their physical, social and cognitive capacities. As importantly, children at the facility will be helped to develop their language and comprehensive abilities, thereby ensuring that they are well prepared to start school. Rainbow ECD

Technology Partners

TechSoup should be the first place the NPOs go to to find technology partner support. TechSoup South Africa

Google Workspace for Nonprofits provides all our email and storage needs. As a Nonprofit, UPside gets all the benefits and features of the full Google Workspace suite of products. Please visit them for more. Google Workspace for Nonprofits

Power Diary is a provider of premium healthcare practice software and through their concern for the nonprofit healthcare space our ALONGside Programme has obtained access to this wonderful client management system. The system is safe and secure and allows UPside to offer premium service to our clients. Power Diary

CleverReach offered UPside a 100% dscount to beat out the usual incumbent 'monkey'. This offer was obtained through our NPC partnership with TechSoup SA. CleverReach

Slack is an amazing communication aggregator that has replaced internal email at UPside. They have provided FREE access to their PRO account. Thank you SLACK! Slack

Not only does Ryan do amazing work he is an active supporter of our work and that of Southside Church. Ryan, thanks for the amazing professional work you do! The Manning Equation